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This exciting and useful book by William E. Lowell, CMC provides a step-by-step approach to helping you get ready to manage your own focus group. Mr. Lowell has personally facilitated more than 1,000 focus groups and his firm has conducted more than 800 research studies including hundreds of benchmarking studies.

Please submit this form to order your copy of FOCUS GROUPS MADE SIMPLE. 

Cost: $32.45 (includes $2.50 for shipping and handling)

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"When you have completed this book, you will have learned everything we do at our company, Business Development Directives, when conducting a focus group. We have conducted more than 1,000 focus groups. We know what it takes and are ready to teach you. We have even provided worksheets to help you every step of the way." 

William E. Lowell, CMC

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